About us
FAST is located at the very heart of Cheetham Hill on Cheetham Hill High Street between the Neighbourhood Office and the Shopping Centre.
Opening hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
Everyday drop-in access to computers, confidential Information Advice and Guidance services; referral to 1 to 1 support
We have a programme of activities aimed at bringing communities together, helping people live independent lives free from harm and raising the confidence and self-esteem of individuals.
Our Peer Welfare Ambassadors help people at high risk of harm as a result of poverty, poor mental health, isolation, coercion/control and abuse.
Our purpose is to mobilise our community to improve the basic conditions of life for local residents trapped in deprivation, hardship and abuse. We do this by encouraging local people with lived experience of inequality to become part of FAST as volunteers. By providing the skills, qualifications and supervision for volunteers to develop and run our services we have the capacity to address practical everyday needs as well as complex social issues for the most vulnerable in our community.
we recognise need for multi-lingual, multi-cultural approach
Our neighbourhood
Cheetham is home to a multi-ethnic community, a result of several waves of immigration to Britain. In the mid-19th century, it attracted Irish People fleeing the Great Famine. It is now home to the Irish World Heritage Centre. Jews settled in the late-19th and early-20th centuries, fleeing persecution in continental Europe. Migrants from the Indian Sub-continent and Caribbean settled in the 1950s and 1960s, and more recently people from Africa, Eastern Europe and the Far East.

Who we are
FAST, established in 1993, was registered as a charity in 2003 by local residents who felt their needs, those of their families and the wider community were not being met. They wanted to provide life-changing health and well-being support not available through other local services.

Our Mission, Vision and Values
We are committed to strengthening our community so that everybody, no matter their background, circumstances or identity, gets the help they need to become confident citizens.
Where to find us
Our main base is Community Point Resource Centre on Cheetham Hill High Street but we can be found in Cheetham Hill Job Centre and we are always out and about at community events. We have our main office at MAC House on Carnarvon Street.