Cheetham's Got Talent
Cheetham's Got Talent is a confidence-building project to help people value the talents they have and share these with others as a means of feeling better about themselves and feeling more optimistic about the future. We are running weekly workshops where local people can show the things that they can do, share talents they have or develop ideas for earning an income. These could include:
keep-fit activities for older residents
healthy South Asian food options
making Apps
eBay selling.
The workshops will lead to a 2 day event which will be a celebration of talent and a sharing of cultures for the community. This will take the form of a community market with indoor and outdoor stalls. Our hope is that new relationships will be built as a result.
Our aim is to involve as many of the 40 diverse language communities as possible and achieve an exciting range of ideas for the public to enjoy and be inspired by. Alongside the stall-holders or activities will be agencies from the local area who can support small business/enterprise and self-employment. They will have information stalls and people available to give advice. And of course catering will be laid on by a range of local people who can provide delicious food and snacks. We will identify local entertainers, particularly young musicians who can provide a background to the event.
Talent Spotters
A dynamic and diverse outreach team of ‘talent spotters’ will delve into the huge range of local communities in the area. They will encourage people to talk about their ideas and prepare them for the event.
Tea and Talent Workshops
We will run a series of 10 weekly workshops leading up to the event, ‘tea and talent’ where people can share their ideas with each other over a cuppa and work out ways of presenting what they do, maybe even join forces. We will bring in agencies who support self-employment and entrepreneurship in an informal way to help make connections. Talent spotters will be supported by a Volunteer Coordinator and the overall event will be lead by an Event Coordinator.
Cheetham’s Got Talent Website
We are envisaging the market as the launch for a website and mobile App which on the one hand promotes local talent and on the other brings to this the support that is available.