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Talk English

English Speaking of Other Languages

We provide many different opportunities that support people to learn English, access services and get more involved in the community in parts of Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Yorkshire, the Midlands, Greater London and Cambridgeshire.

People can get involved in the project in different ways.  On our Talk English Courses, which are taught by volunteers, people can improve their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in English.  There are regular Talk English Activities for people learning English so they can meet others, practise speaking English and do something fun and different.

We also train Talk English Friends to support learners one to one or in small groups on our courses or activities.

Additionally, we provide training for local businesses and services through Talk English Here to enable people learning English to speak English with more confidence in their everyday lives.

The project is funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) until March 2018.

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